
『フライの雑誌』第92号106ページの〈フロリダの釣り友だち〉というタイトルのコラムで、「FLY FISHERS of NORTHWEST FLORIDA」(FFNF)というアメリカ西海岸をホームとする釣りクラブを紹介した。

FFNFを紹介してくださったのは本誌読者でFFNFメンバーの長野県飯田市在住の塩澤美芳さんだ。塩澤さんとFFNFのTom Birdwellさんとの釣りを通じたおつきあいはもう20年になる。第92号をFFNFへお送りしたところ、通訳のTさんが記事をわざわざ英文へ訳してTomさんへ渡してくださったという。本当にありがとうございます。



Article from page 106 Furai-No-Zasshi No.92

There is an angler club known as Fly Fishers of Northwest Florida (FFNF) located on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. The person who informed us about the club is Mr. Yoshimi Shiozawa, a subscriber of “A Magazine For Fly Fishermen”. Mr. Shiozawa lives in Iida city of Nagano prefecture and is a member of FFNF. In 1991, he was contacted by Dr. Thomas Birdwell who was looking for information on fly fishing in Japan by way of the Rotary Club. After his response to this inquiry, both of them began to enjoy fly fishing together. Mr. Shiozawa also visited America to join Dr. Birdwell for fly fishing. Since that time, they have maintained a close friendship.

The FFNF website is well designed, provides a lot of information, and gives a sense of open-hand welcoming to everyone for joining fly fishing. To the contrary, there are some clubs in Japan that choose to keep a tight circle by keeping their doors closed and will not put forth any special effort to gain new club members. This difference may be a reflection of nationality and culture.

The name “Mike Shiozawa” appears on the FFNF list. He is described as an active-energetic 83 year old gentleman. Coincidently, he is the same age as Mr. Hanyu Nakamura, oldest active Bamboo Rod builder in the world, who lives in Kiryuu, Japan. Both men are high spirited individuals with a lot of curiosity, a broad view, and a warm heart. People in their 30s and 40s and certainly even in their 50s are still as young “chicks” in comparison with these men. Let’s enjoy fly fishing for many years to come! (Horiuchi)